HKISSC Activity Room
香港國際海員服務中心新活動室正式開放! 場內配備多元化設備以舉行各項活動,並邀得專業教練開辦各式興趣班,為海員及航運業人士提供一個方便舒適的聚會點。
The Activity Room of the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre is now open ! Comprehensive facilities for different kinds of activities and professional coaches are invited to organize interest classes for users. The venue serves to be one of the best meeting points for seafarers and friends in the maritime industry.

用途多元化 Multi-functional
Members of MNOG – HK and AUSHK, and registered persons are welcome to use the Activity Room for free. A relaxing environment makes it suitable for taking a rest or social gathering. An extra-large wall mirror was installed, and well-equipped for different activities.

登記及報名 Registration and Enrolment
只要你是香港商船高級船員協會或香港航業海員合併工會會員,即可填寫電子報名表 (Form E) 報名參加興趣班.
If you are members of MNOG or AUSHK, please enroll in the interest class(es) by filling out Online Enrolment Form (Form E).
只要你是航運界人士 (非MNOG或AUSHK會員),即可填妥電子登記表 (Form R),獲確認電郵及確認號碼後,即可填寫電子報名表 (Form E) 報名表參加興趣班。
If you are Maritime-related person (non-members of MNOG or AUSHK), please fill out Online Registration Form (Form R). Upon receiving the confirmation email and confirmation number, may enroll in the interest class(es) by filling out Online Enrolment Form (Form E).