The latest interest classes are now available! 最新一期興趣班現已開始報名!

The latest interest classes are now available! Members, seafarers and friends in the maritime industry are entitled to a special discount for enrolment. Act now!
立即報名 Enroll Now : Online Enrollment Form
Activity Room Address: 1401-02, Alliance Building., 130 Connaught Road., C., Hong Kong活動室地址:上環干諾道中130號誠信大廈14樓 1401-02 室
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 9:30am – 6:30pm (except public holidays)
開放時間:星期一至五早上9時30分至下午6時30分 (公眾假期除外)
Tel電話:2545 8269/ WhatsApp: 6507 4866